As part of their Virtual Earth Month celebration, each week sustainNU will highlight two new research projects on biology, climate, history, nature, social sciences, and/or outer space. These online projects, on Zooniverse, utilize the power of thousands of everyday people to accomplish large research endeavors. “Earthquake Detective lets users classify earthquakes, tremors, and other seismic […]
IDEAS & CIERA Host NSF Research Traineeship National Meeting
Nearly 300 graduate students, faculty, and professionals (evaluators and staff) from more than 90 programs and 60 institutions attended the 2019 National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Annual Meeting hosted by IDEAS and CIERAat Northwestern University from September 25 through 27. The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program is dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students […]
IDEAS Fellows Contribute to New Seismology Citizen Science Project

“Seismology has a Big Data problem. Northwestern University seismologists think everyday citizens are the solution. This winter, a Northwestern team of students and faculty launched “Earthquake Detective,” an interactive project that solicits help from volunteers to sort through swaths of data from the world’s tens of thousands of seismograms. By sorting and classifying earthquakes, tremors […]
Trainee Jimmy Kim is Invited Speaker at SIAM Event

On March 1st, IDEAS Trainee Jimmy Kim (Physics and Astronomy) was chosen to speak at the Winter quarter “Bridging the Gap” seminar, hosted by Northwestern’s Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). The seminar’s focus was to highlight the broad applications of mathematics across diverse disciplines. Kim, and one other student, were selected from those that applied to […]
IDEAS Attends 2017 ERN Conference in STEM

March 2017, IDEAS Program Director, Michelle Paulsen, and TGS Diversity and Inclusion Representative, Noelle Wakefield, PhD, attended the Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Washington DC. The ERN conference is geared towards undergraduate and graduate students who participate in programs funded by the NSF HRD Unit, including underrepresented […]
Spreading the Word: IDEAS at TGS’ Annual IGEN Tour

November 3-5, 2016, The Graduate School (TGS) at Northwestern hosted its annual Introduction to Graduate Education at Northwestern (IGEN). This fully-funded, two-day visit to the Northwestern campuses is aimed at rising juniors and seniors, from diverse backgrounds, interested in pursuing STEM education at the doctoral level. Two groups, with a total of about 15 students […]