Nearly 300 graduate students, faculty, and professionals (evaluators and staff) from more than 90 programs and 60 institutions attended the 2019 National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Annual Meeting hosted by IDEAS and CIERAat Northwestern University from September 25 through 27. The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program is dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students […]
IDEAS Trainees Attend the Grace Hopper Celebration 2019

This past week the Grace Hopper Celebration 2019, the world’s largest gathering of women in technology, took place in Orlando. The Grace Hopper Celebration is annually organized by in partnership with the Association for Computing Machinery. The objective is to “bring the research and career interests of women in computing to the forefront.” IDEAS […]
Spring Quarter Machine Learning Meet-Up: Camille Avestruz

IDEAS Trainees Win 2018 Computational Research Day Visualization Competition

This week, winners were announced for Northwestern University’s 2018 Computational Research Day Visualization Competition. Two IDEAS Trainees were among the three entrants awarded. The title of “Best Animation” went to Alex Gurvich, for his Stellar Feedback vs. Galaxy Formation visualization. Alex’s project “presents a high resolution animation of a simulation of stellar feedback and resulting galaxy formation with three varied results side by side”. […]
Trainee Jimmy Kim is Invited Speaker at SIAM Event

On March 1st, IDEAS Trainee Jimmy Kim (Physics and Astronomy) was chosen to speak at the Winter quarter “Bridging the Gap” seminar, hosted by Northwestern’s Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). The seminar’s focus was to highlight the broad applications of mathematics across diverse disciplines. Kim, and one other student, were selected from those that applied to […]
IDEAS Information Session for Potential 2018 Cohort Members to be Held 3/12/18

The IDEAS program will be hosting an Information Session for students interested in applying for positions amongst the 2018 Trainee cohort. Program director Michelle Paulsen will give a brief presentation going over the set up of the TGS Certificate and Traineeship, and then will answer any questions. Current Trainees will also be present to answer […]
IDEAS hosts Prof. Barbara Di Eugenio at Nov. 16 Machine Learning Meet-up

IDEAS Trainees and PI’s Participate in Ground-breaking Research Discoveries

October 2017 was a busy month for our trainees and co-Investigators, as demonstrated by ground-breaking announcements made in two different science fields. These discoveries relied heavily on a particular, and sophisticated method of data analysis that is similar in both areas of study. On Oct. 5, new findings on the subtle changes in tremor that occur before […]
IDEAS Travels to Orlando for 2017 Grace Hopper Celebration

October 4-6, IDEAS representatives accompanied The Graduate School (TGS) of Northwestern to the 2017 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. The Grace Hopper Celebration is the world’s largest gathering of women technologists, and it was an honor and a thrill to be able to participate. The conference is produced by AnitaB.Org and presented in […]
IDEAS Attends 2017 ERN Conference in STEM

March 2017, IDEAS Program Director, Michelle Paulsen, and TGS Diversity and Inclusion Representative, Noelle Wakefield, PhD, attended the Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Washington DC. The ERN conference is geared towards undergraduate and graduate students who participate in programs funded by the NSF HRD Unit, including underrepresented […]