Nearly 300 graduate students, faculty, and professionals (evaluators and staff) from more than 90 programs and 60 institutions attended the 2019 National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Annual Meeting hosted by IDEAS and CIERAat Northwestern University from September 25 through 27. The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program is dedicated to effective training of STEM graduate students […]
Michelle Paulsen Represents IDEAS at 2018 SACNAS Conference

The 2018 SACNAS “National Diversity in STEM” Conference took place this year in San Antonio, Texas, October 11 – 13th. IDEAS was well represented at the conference by Program Director, Michelle Paulsen, who was invited to participate in the event as a speaker. Paulsen, and co-presenter Sara Mata (NRT Program Coordinator at the University of […]
IDEAS Travels to Orlando for 2017 Grace Hopper Celebration

October 4-6, IDEAS representatives accompanied The Graduate School (TGS) of Northwestern to the 2017 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. The Grace Hopper Celebration is the world’s largest gathering of women technologists, and it was an honor and a thrill to be able to participate. The conference is produced by AnitaB.Org and presented in […]
IDEAS Attends 2017 ERN Conference in STEM

March 2017, IDEAS Program Director, Michelle Paulsen, and TGS Diversity and Inclusion Representative, Noelle Wakefield, PhD, attended the Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Washington DC. The ERN conference is geared towards undergraduate and graduate students who participate in programs funded by the NSF HRD Unit, including underrepresented […]
IDEAS Visits Capitol Hill: Attends Future STEM Leaders Conference

Earlier this month Lois Trautvetter and Michelle Paulsen attended the NRT Teams Annual Meeting 2016, and Future STEM Leaders Conference in Washington DC. The events, both co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of Maryland, brought together students, faculty, and program coordinators from 18 NSF Research Traineeship teams across the country. The gatherings featured […]